Saturday, March 31, 2012

A tribute to my friends

Just 3 years of school left. That's it. Who knew school life would pass by so fast? It's gotten me thinking about so many things that I've probably never really thought so much about before. It's gotten me thinking about my friends. The 4 craziest, sweetest and the most amazing people you'll ever meet. They make me smile when I'm sad, they're always there for me and when I do something stupid or make a complete fool out of myself, they'll be by my side. So here's a little about my friends, without whom my life's incomplete....

Esha- My best friend. For 13 years she's been by my side and trust me, that's not an easy thing! When I was a kid, I used to cry. A lot. And she's always been there consoling me. Of course she's lost her temper a few times with me but wouldn't you lose it to if your best friend cried ALL THE TIME? I owe the little neatness I have to Esha. When we were in class 2 she taught me how to settle my colour pencils according to colour. She taught me how to be logical and think with my head rather than with my heart. The hours just seem to fly by when I'm on the phone with her. Before you know it, we've spoken for 2 and a half hours! She's definitely my support system and she's always there to listen to me as I repeat 'I'm going to flunk' over and over again during the exams! She's there to pull me back to the ground when I'm flying too high and she's there to give me 'the look' when I'm cracking way too many lame jokes. She understands me like no one else. She is definitely the best friend one could ever hope for.

Abhilasha- Now how do I describe Abhilasha? She's crazy,she's funny, she's the one who doesn't care who's watching her, she'll always be who she is and she's one of my oldest and closest friends. I don't remember when I became close friends with her but I remember she's the one that makes me laugh like crazy. She's my partner in craziness and will sing random rubbish with me no matter where we are! But over and above all this she's probably the sweetest person you'll ever meet. She'll crack the lamest albeit funniest jokes to have you laughing in a jiffy. Her 'mosthan' acting never grows old. She can strike fear into the toughest of hearts by just saying 'muka mar dega'! 'Abhi bhai' will always be there to protect you, no matter what. Being one of the nicest people she's also the most emotional. She often falls prey to cupid's arrow and she can probably be used to teach children how people look when they are 'starry-eyed'! She's dedicated and unimaginably faithful. She can be a 'bro' like no other guy. No singer will be good enough for you once you hear her sing. She means the world to me.

Noyontara- She's the sweetest person you'll ever meet. She and I have almost every thing in common. 'Noyen' cracks the most intellectual jokes. For example, I was once describing a scene from the movie 'Rocky' where Rocky gets injured and he's sitting and the pain is making him shake. Noyen in her superbly cool and casual way remarked, "Ooo! An earthquake!" Till date I'm not over that joke! She loves reading and listening to music. When I need a shoulder to cry on, she's there. She may remain detached from all the 'politics' but she makes her opinions clear. She will never pretend or be fake. The loyalty she has not just to us but to the school and her family is unparalleled. She will always answer my questions no matter how silly they are! She calms me down when I get hyper. She probably has the best Indian accent you'll hear. She taught me that behaving like a kid sometimes is soothing. She and I drew up the plans for a Bubble-gum spaceship which will probably bring about a revolution in the world of aerodynamics!

Rebecca- When I think of Rebecca the only word that comes to my mind is 'Independent'. She is self-sufficient and THE BEST guitarist you'll ever hear. And did you know that she's just recently started taking lessons? Before this she was self-taught! She's there with me when I'm at my stupidest best. She taught me how to 'Hulk out' when you're too stressed. It helps. Trust me. She's been my friend for 13 whole years and seen me at my best and worst. There's is not a single moment when I'm bored when I'm with Rebecca. She makes me smile all the time. She has the strongest opinions and cannot stand any of her friends getting hurt and will do anything to help them. When I had breathing trouble at school she helped me. She has the best taste in music. Her kindness and sincerity is unimaginable. I love her to bits and school seems so boring without her!

So these were my friends.The people who were there with me in good times and bad.There is so much more I could write about them but I wouldn't want you to be blinded by their awesomeness! I have many more friends who I love more than anything but these ones are the ones who I consider to be more than family. They hold a special place in my heart. They are the ones who tease me, fight with me, laugh with me and cry with me. We've had our fair share of 'I hate you'-s and 'I'm never going to speak to you!'-s but they've never lasted for more than 5 minutes. After that we're back laughing and chatting and cracking jokes. I love them very much and no matter where I am after school, no matter how far, I'll always keep in touch with them.