Friday, April 30, 2010

A New Begining

Hello world!
I'm a 13 year old girl inspired to make a blog after watching the movie 'Julie and Julia' (though i can't cook) . I play the mandolin and had thought myself completely musically challenged before I started playing it. Now I love it to the power of infinity. I love to read and write.
Have I mentioned I love talking? I can go on for hours and hours.
Anyway so this is supposed to be a new beginning so from now on I'm going to :-
1.) Talk a little less because I know my family and friends are tired of hearing my constant babble.
2.)Read and read and read(though I do that anyway).
3.)Write more(that's also why I started a blog).
4.)Stop spending endless time doing nothing on Facebook.
5.)Do the things I love( waking up at 11am in the morning not counted, heh heheheh).
Finally I have a to do list to
Anyway, jokes apart I hope I can carry this out.
p.s. 6.)I'm going to stop saying "you all" on my sister's behalf so she can stop screeching herself hoarse asking me to say "you".