Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I have loads of thoughts passing through my head every second.Most of them are too good to be true.But who knows what the world would be if they came true!
1.) People say that picturing a crowd in their underwear makes you fell less nervous when you're on stage.I think that by doing that you feel like bursting into peals of laughter. So whenever I imagine myself up on stage, elocuting a tragic piece and imagining the crowd like that, I see myself bursting into a huge throaty laugh just as someone tragically dies in my elocution piece.

2.)What if spiders could talk?Would they say something like,"Hey i wish i had shorter legs!" or "wow that was one delicious moth!"? When we shoo them away will they say,"Alright,alright I'm going!You don't have to be so pushy!"?
I wonder if they have a parlor where they go for their monthly hair cuts.
Well who knows?I guess I'll have to wait till I am one!(not looking forward to it)

3.)What if dolls are really murderers like that doll in 'Child's Play'?Would my ladybird soft toy a.k.a. cushion try to attack me at night?

4.)What if God had an 80's style wig and an electric guitar? Since Hindu's have a God for everything,there should be a God for this too!

5.)What if there is really a 'school' of fish?Do they learn how to lie down when they are being fried?Or how to free themselves onto a fishing hook?

6.)Maybe there are signs inside our body lined with lights pointing out the way to our ear or stomach.Maybe there are tiny little yellow creatures called minions(like the ones in the movie Despicable me)which help out our body to function properly!

7.)What if there were these voodoo dolls you could use to control people?That would be too good to be true?

8.)what if clouds are actually made of cotton candy and rain the water falling from an upturned vase in Heaven?Then thunder would be chairs and tables falling and lightning would be torch lights!

9.)What if we could change form like Mystique from X-men?
How great would that be? We could become Kate Winslet or Jennifer Lopez in the blink of an eye!

These were only a few of the array of thoughts that I have.
Caution;Stay in touch with me for a while and you'll have such thoughts too.Craziness is contagious!

There she sits...

There she sits,all alone
She has no one to console
her,to feel her pain.
As wisps of her dirty hair,
Fly across her face,
She counts the days.
The days she spent on the road
The people who ignored her;
There were loads!
All her happiness gone with the blink of an eye,
All her life became a lie.

Why was she abandoned on the street?
To bear the bitter cold,the terrible heat?
Did no one feel for her?
Did she have no mother or father?
The pain destroyed her from inside,
Sometimes she wished she died!

Another traffic jam to start her day,
Another group of people shooing her away.
She begs, she tries, she really does
But who cares for her?No one does.
The cars drive off, she's alone
No one's there to see her moan.

The people walking about
Some give her a penny or two,no doubt.
But is that enough to heal her soul?
Or give her a piece of food as a whole?
People laugh,they point and stare
At her clothes,her face, her hair.
The pain kills her from inside,
Sometimes she really wished she died.

There she sits,its late at night,
She looks up at the sky and sighs,
Another day in her life gone by......

Monday, September 6, 2010


Dear Computer,
Do you have to shut down whenever I'm listening to a great song?Do you have to hang when I'm chatting with my friends?
yours inquisitively,

Dear Biology,History and physics,
Could you please have a little less information?
yours furiously,

Dear Blog,
Does anyone read you?Does my writing bore you?Do you have better things to do with your life?,
your's depressingly,


Dear Adrija,
WHOA!You must have lost it completely!Your writing letters to weird people!I suggest you shut down your computer and have a glass of water and go to sleep.Please do visit
your psychiatrist tomorrow.
your's concernedly,


Note to self: Go and find your brains as soon as possible.
Caution to reader:Grab a pillow this might put you to sleep.